May 2024 Home Sales Report

Here are the latest statistics for residential real estate in Cincinnati, Southeastern Indiana, Northern Kentucky, Dayton and Springfield.

The region's housing market shows significant increases across the board with notable growth this month. Home prices remain strong even as inventory increases, creating more opportunities for buyers and sellers alike. Here is a report by region of home sales during May of 2024:

Cincinnati/Southeast Indiana

May 2024 vs May 2023

  • 9.4% increase in homes sold (1852)

  • 3.7% increase in median sale price ($310,000)

  • 17.7% increase in sales volume ($702,030,000)

  • 28.3% increase in active inventory (1815 listings)

  • 1.8% increase in new listings (2182 new listings)

  • 0% increase in median days on market (3 days)

January-May 2024 vs. January-May 2023

  • 4.1% increase in homes sold (6857 vs. 6590)

  • 7.4% increase in median sale price ($290,000 vs. $270,000)

  • 12.4% increase in sales volume ($2,400,000,000 vs. $2,130,000,000)

Statistics courtesy of Realtor® Alliance of Greater Cincinnati Home Sales Report

Northern Kentucky

May 2024 vs May 2023

  • 3% increase in homes sold (543 homes vs 525 homes)

  • 3% increase in median sale price ($293,000 vs $285,000)

  • 7% increase in sales volume ($179,400,000 vs $167,100,000)

  • 10% increase in active inventory (784 vs 714)

  • 8% increase in new listings (810 vs 749)

  • 13% decrease in average days on the market (26 vs 30)

January-May 2024 vs January-May 2023

  • 4% increase in homes sold (2363 vs 2274)

  • 3% increase in median sale price ($274,000 vs 265,000)

  • 9% increase in sales volume ($742,300,000 vs 683,300,000)

  • 8% increase in active inventory (4077 vs 3767)

  • 6% increase in new listings (3209 vs 3022)

  • 3% increase in average days on the market (33 vs 32)

Statistics courtesy of N. Kentucky Association of Realtors® Sales Report

Dayton and Springfield, Ohio

May 2024 vs May 2023

  • 6% increase in homes sold (1360 vs 1283 homes)

  • 11.11% increase in median sale price ($250,000 vs $225,000)

  • 17.57% increase in sales volume ($392,172,823 vs $333,573,412)

  • 23.54% increase in new listings (1753 vs 1419)

January-May 2024 vs January-May 2023

  • 14.69% increase in homes sold (5770 vs 5031)

  • 9.52% increase in median sale price ($230,000 vs $210,000)

  • 27.38% increase in sales volume ($1,571,887,557 vs $1,234,042,341)

  • 17.56% increase in new listings (7077 vs 6020)

Statistics courtesy of Dayton Realtors Home Sales Report

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