New Carlisle

Greater Dayton Area

Originally called Monroe, New Carlisle and the Terre Coupee Prairie it overlooks was included in lands ceded to the US by the treaty made with the Pottawatomie Indians in 1826. In 1933, John Dillinger committed his first bank robbery (taking $10,000) from the New Carlisle National Bank.

Thirty-five minutes northeast of Dayton in Clark County, New Carlisle is rural in character and location, but not in spirit. While farming is still one of the primary occupations, the rural location has drawn other businesses dependent on the outdoors, including Meadow Views Growers and Honey Hill Farm. Housing in the downtown historic district features renovated historic homes next door to antique stores. One finds all kinds of homes in the New Carlisle area from modest homes to larger, new homes and condominiums. With 5,800 residents, there’s plenty of time to live life to the fullest in New Carlisle.

Dayton, OH