
Greater Cincinnati Area

In 1794,German immigrant Abraham Voorhees moved his family from their home near Philadelphia, building a large log cabin along the west bank of the Millcreek. Another visitor, Harvey Redinbo, also purchased land nearby. This early settlement was known as Voorhees-Town, but was later changed to Reading in the honor of Redinbo’s hometown. Reading was incorporated as a village on March 24, 1851.

Reading, the “Crossroads of Opportunity”, is located four miles north of downtown Cincinnati within the I-275 beltway. As one of Cincinnati’s original suburbs it quickly became a ‘bedroom’ community. Families and businesses alike have been here, some for many generations, either living ‘down in the valley’, or up on ‘the hill’. A large portion of the city includes housing from 1880’s; traditional Cape Cod and ranch homes are also prevalent. Businesses continue to relocate to the area because of its ease in transportation and access to employees.

Cincinnati, OH